
Showing posts from May, 2017


When I was a little girl my mom would always tell me that my mistakes would catch up to me. And now at 20 something years old I’m finally starting to feel the effects of my mistakes.  But what are mistakes anyways, an action that is later filled with regret?  I have made my fair share of mistakes, so many things I did, things I didn’t do, foul words that were said, words that were never said.  But these mistakes have made me who I am today, all of the "mistakes" I’ve made took me to the place I’m at today.  I wouldn’t want it any other way.  No my life is not perfect far from it in fact, however I am happy, wiser, and ready for whatever this life has to offer.  Because of my mistakes I have loved with all my heart, cried a river and came back to swim in it. Because of my mistakes, I value everything and everyone in my life. Sorry Mom I know that this wasn’t the lesson you were trying to teach me but these "mistakes" are catching up to me and it’s just the beginning