Unexpected Life Changes

When life gives you lemons, quietly freak the fuck out? The older I get the more difficult it becomes to let go of things you cannot change, the urge to control everything is strong.  In my short 24 years of living in this amazing world, I have had ups and downs.  When it comes to my downs I have always found a silver lining. This time that silver lining must be hiding in the Bermuda triangle.   At this age dealing with parents getting a divorce, selling our childhood home, living near the city miles away from the familiar, has hit me harder than expected.  I am so grateful to have an amazing partner that shows me love and gives me the space to freak out when needed and still loves me thru it all.  My sister who is also my best friend helps me feel like I'm not alone, despite our differences, she is the one thing that will never change... she is my home. Yet I still go to bed with my heart beating faster than it should, scared of the unknown, terrified for the future.  I can’t do much besides keep fighting threw, and practice what I preach! Breath just fuckin breath everything is as it should be.  Always remind myself that I have air I can breathe, food to eat, a bed to sleep in.  No matter how tough life might be right now someone out there is wishing they had the privilege to live your life.   “Always stay humble and kind” …. Hey my silver lining!? So when life gives you lemons … at least you have lemons.



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